Friday, January 15, 2016

The Voice Within

Have you ever experienced sitting down in the middle of a cold black night not thinking of anything maybe puffing a cigarette with a bottle of beer. Enjoying the melodious spund of the cricket, the baritone bark of your neighbor's dog, the high pitched sound of the cricket.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a question pops out of your mind. This could be a random question like why I failed my English subject? Or questions like why aren't you attending your Sunday Church service or why are you going to church? Questions you never imagined just popping out of your mind.

Psychologist may say, that it is your subconscious mind talking pastors may say it is God's way of reminding or talking to you.

Since this questions just pops out, more often than not they're left unanswered or even ignored.

It happened to me once, and I am left hanging asking myself if this are by products of my imaginations or this are questions buried under the realm of my subconscious self. Or was it really God's way of communicating to me.

Months has passed and then same questions has crossed my mind. Then came series of related questions started to flow in my mind.

I am amazed how brains works. I am not trying to ask question I am just puffing my cigarette then it coined serries of words formulating into questions I never imagined asking myself.

I came to realize somehow that it could be God's way of talking to its people through our mind in our most unexpected way. Could be His own way of guiding its people to His plan.

These questions, so simply and yet so powerful. I believe that this questions could lead the person to a total transformation or a rebirth of that person to new persona.

Then I asked myself, could this scientist and engineers gone through same situation where they were alone sitting at their porch enjoying their own coffee came across a simply question and transform them to the birth of Albert Einstien upto Steve Job and Bilm Gates?

A question they are willing to answer that totally changed them and become who they are destined to become or should I say a rebirth from their oldselves and become what God has planned them to be.

What about you? Did you ever experienced the same situation? Did you ever try to find out what is it for you? Did you believe it is God's voice talking to you through your brain?

I believe in God as my saviour and my creator and that he has His own way of talking to His children.

Share yours via the comment box.

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