Friday, November 25, 2016

Rock and Roll Outfit

When it was announced that our Clusters General Assembly would go rock and roll. I immediately started generalizing for an outfit that can rock everyone. Nah kidding aside I was thinking of something that would be far different most of them and definitely somehing affordable.

I decided to color my hair blue. Hair is the crowning glory. It sets the phase of your look. It is also the first detail of your look that will attract audiences so choose a hair style that will match the look you wante to portray.

The next part is your make up. I went to dark and pale make up to make sure it doesnt kill the hair style and it does not over power the out fit. The make up should definitely compliment the whole look you want to portray.

Next is the outfit. Getting and choosing an outfit should not be that expensive. Just because you wanted to show off and to conform on the dress code or to the agreed outfit you would over spend on the outfit. For me, I checked on my closet and check on possible clothed that can be used for the theme. After that head to ukay ukay's and look for the clothes. So before heading to ukay ukay or thrift shops, you should already have the details of the kind of clothes you wanted to wear so you wont end up staying there for hours and wasting your time.

Next is your accessories, for me I create my own accessories. I just have to be a little creative as to how I can make my accessories match the theme of the party. Most of the time, I recycle my old accessories so it could be easier to manage and of course less expensive.

Friday, November 11, 2016

When I Take In Calls - The Introduction

When I finally decided to take in a job in a BPO industry and become a customer service representative for a reputable credit card company, I am supplied with a daily dose of learnings about people in general. Be it my colleagues, what inspires them, their stories, troubles, frustration and personal struggles upto my customers calling in to complain, to have their problem solve from paying their bills to managing their online access upto explaining their bills.

With all these happening one after the other; it has thought me to be more flexible in understanding processes, customer concerns, problem solving, and understanding personality all of course at the same time.

It has reminded me that life by the end of it all talks about the adversities and propagated happiness and how one has juggled all of it in his lifetime.

This is my introduction to a more stories behind the voices the customer hears when they call. This time I must say, I am proud I have and is working in a service oriented type of job.