Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Tips When Working at Night

  1. Working at night is somehow the most difficult for me. I usually end up sleepy during work or I would be forgetting some steps when doing my task. Through the years I just noticed that I am getting weaker or maybe getting bigger (in size) I lost my six pack abs and gained a tremendous amount of weight.

    This 2015, I've tried to look back through my years and I just realized that I am becoming less active in my day to day life. People working in the shift would for sure agree with me that it is the hardest shift as you combat not only the pressure and stress at work but also your body wanting to sleep.

    So here are some quick tips for you which I am following:

    The night before your night shift, you may want to sleep really late like 4 AM or 5 AM. So this is a perfect time for you to do movie marathon or skype with friends.

    Here are simple things you need to remember when you are working on a night shift:

    1. Less Sleep the Fatter you get - I became bigger and fatter when I started working at night and looking back I gained more weight when I basically had 2 to 4 hours of sleep daily. The required amount of sleep for a person working at night is 7 to 8 hrs.
    2. Water plus Real Food - is a good combination. The less sleep you get, you would tend to be eating junk foods and chocolates or doubling your burito burger or double cheese burger and drinking more energy booster. Drinking energy drink is actually a suicide, it is like drinking a huge amount of sugar. When I started drinking water it did help me urinate and defecate better and half a better sleep. Also, don't drink too much coffee a glass of coffee daily is ok but making coffee to substitute water is not advisable. It is always good to pack real food before coming to the office this will help you in eating the right food at the right amount. Always have bring with you fruits as well. Banana and apple really goes well and it helps aid in digestion plus it will help you stay active all night. At least you already have a ready food at your reach when you feel like eating. Bottom line is to drink plenty of fluids/water.
    3. Looking Good through Exercise - moderate exercise is always beneficial. You'll get to maintain your body weight and figure with moderate exercise. Have a walk around the building during your lunch break and walking from your office to the train station or bus station somehow would help regulate normal blood flow, it encourages more water intake. Sweating is definitely beneficial. The time I started to do minimal exercise it had helped me improve my sleeping hours. Before, I am able to sleep 2 to 3 hours on a daily basis but when I started minimal exercise on a daily basis it had increased my sleeping hours to 7 to 8 hours.
    4. Sleeping Habit - Having a broken sleeping habit is definitely a suicide. It destroys your sleeping pattern and may lead to insomnia at some point. Always make sure you get the required amount of sleep, 7 to 8 hrs daily will energize you to do the work for the whole shift. Also it is best if you will have a consistent sleeping hour. If you sleep at 9:00 in the morning then make sure you consistently follow it. Avoid excessive shifting as it may greatly affect your sleeping hours.
    5. Make It Dark and Comfy - Make your room dark. The darker your room gets the longer your sleeping hours would be. Dark room signals your brains and instruct your eyes to close and your body to doze off. I used to have a bright room and I had a good night rest however, I later had difficulty sleeping. I almost always had 2 to 4 hours sleep. Later my friends suggested to make my room really dark which I did. I later realized that I had better sleep compared to when my room was not that dark. However, you would also have to make sure your room is fully ventilated. It keeps the air in your room fresh and definitely relaxing in the end.
    6. Tidy and Bright - Your work station also should be tidy and clutter free plus it should be too bright. It is always advisable to keep it this way. It is definitely inviting and energizing to have a clutter free and yet bright work station/desk.
    7. Shut It DOWN - Since working in a callcenter where I am not allowed to bring my phone with me or open my facebook account or play in my phone. I had this feeling that I am deprived in playing with the technology. So my tendency is to use my phone while watching television show until I doze off. BAD IDEA! The more I am in front of the television the harder I catch sleep. I resorted to reading books. ANOTHER BAD IDEA! STAY AWAY from TELEVISION, YOUR PHONE, COMPUTER, and BOOKS! All these triggers your brain to be more active thus affecting your capability to catch some sleep. So the best way is to exercise, eating the right amount of food and eating the right food and a lot of fluid. This are all the ingredients for a better and healthier night and productive shift.

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