Monday, October 26, 2015

Crystal Beaded Lampshade

Last year I bought a lampshade in Baclaran. Baclaran is where I buy some of my stuff as they are cheaper compared to its mall price. For my readers abroad, Baclaran is like a stretch of wet market, vendors sell their stuff in a store or at the street. This is where you can buy really cheaper things compared to its mall counter price. This are brandless stuff though and most are imitations.

So going back, I bought this cool chargeable lampshade which is very helpful during brownouts. Since i started beading I decided to add color and style to it so I covered it with crystal beads which are left overs when I started creating the full bead pouch.

Here's the end result of my FULL BEAD LAMPSHADE.

I am recreating a table clock. Stay tuned for the new creation.

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