Thursday, October 1, 2015

Goodbye is not Forever

There will be a time when we say "Hello" but there will also be the time to say "GOODBYE". When we say goodbye it only means moving on leaving all the past behind and moving forward to what the future will hold.

When we say "Hello" definitely it is the best time and as time goes by we gain surprises, learning new things, discovering what we can do and what we cannot and definitely we will be put in a challenges to make the relationship better or break it as it is not meant to be.

For me I had my own Hello. It was such a beautiful five years and six months. Years of pondering my own strength. It was such a great time of learning, laughing and creating opportunities. Years of beautiful memories and meeting good people along the way. I will always remember the good times and make each bad times an inspiration to be better.

The last five years is the birth of Project Mountain Alphabet. I will take this with me and I hope you would continue being part of this project.

Here's the story of the project:

It Started with a Giraffe 
Project Mountain Alphabet: Building Library from a Kindness of a Stranger

"Goodbye is not Forever" rather I will say "see you on the crossroads!" 

I wish each in everyone success!

Over the years, I have gained friends that I will cherish as I move forward to my professional quest. There were people who inspired me to become better. For this is the moment for me to leave the bad mornings behind and continue my the journey, my quest in discover what the future holds.

As Walt Disney said, "We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths."

To move forward is to grow as I am curious as to what would my future holds and offer. New obstacle to conquer and new challenges to nail down.

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